
POWERCHINA fulfills social responsibility in Equatorial Guinea

Updated: May 31,2023


A group photo of participants taken at the charity event in Equatorial Guinea.

POWERCHINA participated in a charity event focusing on the healthcare and well-being of orphaned children, held in Riaba, Equatorial Guinea, on May 27. The charity event brought in much enthusiasm from related senior officials and organizations.

At the event, the company donated medical boxes, books, sports equipment, and care packages to a local boarding school. The company also assisted and participated in a free clinic activity organized by the Chinese medical team for nearly 200 teachers and students, nearby residents, and workers.

During the event, the officials highly praised the event and expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the company for its contribution to local social development.

During the nearly 20-year-work in Equatorial Guinea, POWERCHINA has undertaken several livelihood projects such as the Djiploho Hydropower Plant, the Bata Power Grid Phase I and II projects, and the aid project for a friendship hospital. The company played an essential part in the planning of the country's hydropower construction, national energy and power construction, as well as social and economic development.