
World's largest in-progress reverse osmosis desalination construction project achieves major milestones

Updated: March 08,2024


Employees celebrate the successful completion of the 30-day reliability operation.


An interior view of the Taweelah desalination plant.

The Taweelah Desalination Project in Abu Dhabi, UAE, being built by POWERCHINA with an EPC model, successfully completed a 30-day trial operation on March 6.

During the trial operation period, the three related utilization rates all reached 100 percent, the desalination conversion rate was 39 percent, and the specific energy consumption was 2.77 kWh/T, placing the unit performance at the global cutting-edge.

The Taweelah Desalination Project is currently the largest in-progress reverse osmosis desalination construction project in the world. It can produce 900,000 cubic meters of freshwater per day and 324 million cu m annually, meeting the water demands of nearly 1 million local residents.

The Minister of Energy & Infrastructure of Abu Dhabi stated that the grid-connected water production of the Taweelah Desalination Project has significantly alleviated the shortage of freshwater resources in the UAE, making it an important project for people’s quality of life in the UAE and local economic and social development.
