
Colombia Tepuy PV project achieves commercial operation

Updated: June 18,2024


An aerial view of the Tepuy PV Plant project.


Representatives from the two countries attend the ceremony.

The 108-megawatt Tepuy Photovoltaic (PV) Plant Project in Colombia, constructed by POWERCHINA, successfully achieved commercial operation on June 14. Representatives from both parties attended the event.

Federico Gutierrez, mayor of Medellin and chairman of EPM (Empresas Publicas de Medellin), remarked that the Tepuy project is EPM's first photovoltaic project and currently the fastest completed project in Colombia, with just 12 months from the initial groundbreaking of the industrial park to commercial operation.

High importance was placed on environmental management and community service during construction, providing substantial employment opportunities locally. The success of the project is a milestone and testament to the collaborative efforts of POWERCHINA and EPM. Guiterrez expressed gratitude for the diligent efforts of POWERCHINA.

The plant is expected to generate approximately 224 gigawatt-hours of green energy annually, equivalent to reducing coal consumption by 74,000 metric tons and carbon dioxide emissions by about 198,000 tons each year.

POWERCHINA was responsible for the project design, equipment procurement, and construction, creating over 2,000 jobs in total and making a remarkable contribution to local community employment.