The first generating unit of the Indian project KMPCL 6×600MW (carried out by POWERCHINA’s subsidiary SEPCCO1) began operation at 6.11 am.
August 28, 2013Four generating units of Grand Poubara Hydropower project all went into operation on August 5.
August 28, 2013Yan Zhiyong, vice-chairman of POWERCHINA, met with Inia Seruiratu – Fiji's minister of agriculture
August 15, 2013Ma Zonglin, president of POWERCHINA, met with students of the Ministerial Workshop on Water Conservancy Economy of Developing Countries on Aug 12.
August 15, 2013The POWERCHINA Construction Corporation of China (POWERCHINA) had a launch ceremony for its English website at company headquarters, in Beijing, on July 30.
July 30, 2013The opening ceremony of Zungelu hydropower project was held at the project site in Nigeria on May 28.
May 29, 2013On April 12, POWERCHINA got UNFCCC approval for its first hydropower BOT project - the Nam Ngum 5 hydropower station in Laos, which means its application for a CDM project has been approved.
April 17, 2013Tanzania's President, Jakaya Kikwete, attended an opening ceremony for Tanga-Horohoro Highway, on April 13.The President thanked Sinohydro for its performance on the project and referred to the highway as "Tanzanian Tour Avenue".
April 16, 2013